RETREET redefines disaster relief by engaging communities to replant lost trees.


The anniversary of Hurricane Sandy brought stark reminders that the recovery process for those affected will last for years and that the urban forest will take the longest to replace of all that was lost.  That being said, we are happy to have planted 14 new purple locusts at home sites in Belle Harbor, Queens over the weekend. 

Our first entry in this week's Sunday Show & Tell is a video shot by a group of cyclists who rode into the storm surge.  Then, a series of photos really puts the recovery process into perspective.  In commemoration of JFK Groves, which also took place this weekend, we have an archival film of the President planting a tree in Canada in 1961.

reTREEters planting purple locusts in Belle Harbor Queens during Sandy Anniversary Planting. 

reTREEters planting purple locusts in Belle Harbor Queens during Sandy Anniversary Planting. 

Belle Harbor, Queens, two weeks after Hurricane Sandy 

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Belle Harbor, Queens, two weeks after Hurricane Sandy (



As fall unfolds before our eyes, we present an apropos video lineup for your enjoyment.  Start off by taking a single-track ride through lovely autumnal woods.  Inspired, learn what it takes to become a mountain biker in 29(er) hilarious steps.  Wonder why leaves change color?  Just keep watching!

Take any photos on a recent fall ride?  Share them with us.




1 DAY            7 CITIES            2000 TREES



"Today, a world of knowledge, a world of cooperation, a just and lasting peace — may be years away. But we have no time to lose. Let us plant our trees this afternoon."

— John F. Kennedy

reTREEt America is proud to partner with Texas Trees Foundation and seven communities in the DFW area to plant 2,000 trees in memory of President John F. Kennedy. As we approach the 50th anniversary of his assassination, let us remember a man who asked us all to become a part of something greater than ourselves. A component of the Tree North Texas initiative, this effort will also help offset the loss of 301 million trees in Texas in 2011 and 2012 due to drought. Learn more about JFK Groves.



This week's installment of Sunday Show & Tell includes a search engine that donates 80% of its ad revenue to planting trees in Brazil, a forest bath in the Redwoods, and an awesome bicycle installation art project currently on display in Toronto.  Fun stuff!

Forest Bath in the Redwoods

Ai Weiwei’s Forever Bicycles CLICK THE PHOTO TO SEE MORE! 
Ai Weiwei’s Forever Bicycles




Here at reTREEt, we regularly come across all sorts of random fun stuff related to bikes, trees, and communities that we ought to share.  Thus begins our weekly showcase of select images, videos, and other special features ideal for your Sunday enjoyment.  If you have some appropriate material you would like reTREEters to see, please send it along.  It might show up in a future volume of Sunday Show & Tell.  Enjoy!

Music from Nature

Into Thin Air



As you can see, our website has been majorly updated.  We have been hard at work creating a more engaging, stylish, and effective online presence that better represents our growing operations and past accomplishments.  Be sure to visit some of the most exciting additions:

  • IMPACT- Click on each state/province for photos, videos, and more to see the results of our work to date in lush detail!  

  • WHY - watch short videos and read all about the importance of trees and bicycles.  

  • BLOG - experience a running narrative of our operations, as well as links to news, events, and random fun stuff we want to share with you.

  • WHAT TO EXPECT - learn about what being on reTREEt is like.

  • CALENDAR - find details & stay current on upcoming events. 

We hope you enjoy the new site!  Please be sure to share your feedback with us and the website with your friends.  Remember, YOU ARE RETREET AMERICA—your opinion and support matters.

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YESTERDAY WAS A BIG DAY for reTREEt America!   We received 27 donations from 12 different states totaling $4,135!  That money will be multiplied by the $1,000,000 worth of funds available from Communities Foundation of Texas.  THANK YOU ALL for the show of support.   Now it's time to plan some reTREEts!



We would like to express our utmost gratitude to Bartlett Tree Experts for their immense support of NYC reTREEt.   In particular, to Scott Jamieson for his work behind the scenes cultivating the successful execution of our undertaking, and to Liz Randel for her efforts and leadership on the ground.  THANK YOU for being such an integral part of helping us restore three blocks of Rockaway Beach!

Also, special thanks to Local Office Landscape Architecture for expertly drafting our landscaping plan, helping source the right trees, and connecting us to the community, to Wells Tree & Landscape for picking up the pitch pines, to RECOVER for producing such superb shirts, to Tuthilltown Spirits for bringing the spirits to match the spirit, and to all the reTREEters for your enthusiasm and determination.   You all made NYC reTREEt a truly remarkable event.

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IT IS AMAZING WHAT HUMANS CAN DO, ESPECIALLY ON reTREEt. This past weekend, 52 reTREEters converged in NYC to rebuild and reforest a coastal dune in Rockaway Beach and ride the NYC Century. Together, they moved approximately 190,000 pounds of sand, soil, and mulch using nothing more than shovels and wheelbarrows, and planted 111 trees, some 3” in diameter. The next day, they rode 100 miles through the city, visiting four boroughs and countless communities. A MONUMENTAL EFFORT AND AN ASTOUNDING ACCOMPLISHMENT!

NYC Retreet_Infographic.jpg