RETREET redefines disaster relief by engaging communities to replant lost trees.


The anniversary of Hurricane Sandy brought stark reminders that the recovery process for those affected will last for years and that the urban forest will take the longest to replace of all that was lost.  That being said, we are happy to have planted 14 new purple locusts at home sites in Belle Harbor, Queens over the weekend. 

Our first entry in this week's Sunday Show & Tell is a video shot by a group of cyclists who rode into the storm surge.  Then, a series of photos really puts the recovery process into perspective.  In commemoration of JFK Groves, which also took place this weekend, we have an archival film of the President planting a tree in Canada in 1961.

reTREEters planting purple locusts in Belle Harbor Queens during Sandy Anniversary Planting. 

reTREEters planting purple locusts in Belle Harbor Queens during Sandy Anniversary Planting. 

Belle Harbor, Queens, two weeks after Hurricane Sandy 

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Belle Harbor, Queens, two weeks after Hurricane Sandy (