RETREET redefines disaster relief by engaging communities to replant lost trees.


A major construction project is underway on the east coast of the US, one that will allow cyclists to visit 15 states on a single bike path. Stretching 3,000 miles, The East Coast Greenway will showcase 450 communities visitors on two-wheels, providing an amazing opportunity to travel the country. Let's do it!

EAST COAST GREENWAY (photo essay/video)

EAST COAST GREENWAY (photo essay/video)

A massive fire swept through part of Spain in 2012, charring thousands of acres. When the ashes settled, a startling discovery was made. A group of cypress trees still stood tall and green. But why? Could these trees be used to lessen the impact future wildfires? Read about the enigma of the trees that resist the flames.



Ramadan ended on July 5th, but this story continues to inspire. A 26-year-old woman named Nouran Salah in Egypt created a successful initiative to feed the poor by bicycle. She and her following deliver meals each of the 30 days of Ramadan, bringing Iftar to those in need. Learn more about Bel Bicycle below.





Over 150 years ago, a hunter named August Dowd discovered a giant sequoia stretching over 300 feet towards the sky. He was dumbfounded. News of the special specimen spread quickly, and eventually a team of lumberjacks showed up to spend the following three weeks cutting it down. The story doesn't end there, though. Read the tragic tail of The Mammoth Tree, a place you can no longer go.



In hopeful contrast to the above tale, clusters of new baby giant sequoias have begun to spring up in the aftermath of the Rough Fire in the Sierra Nevada. Read this inspiring article about tiny seedlings en route to becoming the world's largest trees.



Bicycles and trains were invented at roughly the same time in human history. Every year, the Iron Horse Bicycle Classic pits one against the other in Colorado. Started by Jim and Tom Meyer decades ago, in 1972, the ride sprang out of a simple boast. Now, it draws thousands of cyclists each year. In 2016, 2,500 cyclists from 43 states and 6 countries accepted the challenge. Can you guess how many of them beat the train?




June 20+21, 2015

On BOULDER RETREET, 25 RETREETers planted 96 trees at 21 homes in Jamestown, CO, making a major impact that will last for generations to come. A small community of 275 up in the mountains west of Boulder, Jamestown was once a prospecting destination, as thousands of men inundated the area in the late 1800s searching for silver and gold. 

In 2003, most of the trees covering the hillside behind Jamestown burned in the Overland Fire. A decade later, on September 11, 2013, the community experienced a 1,000-year flood. Seventeen inches of rain fell in a single day, almost the average annual precipitation. With little to absorb the immense amount of floodwater pouring down the mountainside, nearby gulches were quickly overwhelmed. Floating debris damned up the main bridge in town and caused the river to breach its banks. Much of the town was buried in several feet of rubble; the landscape forever altered. Under a mandatory evacuation order, 90% of residents were airlifted to safety. Jamestown remained inaccessible by the main road for months. After nearly two years of rebuilding housing and infrastructure, the time came to replant trees and make it feel one step closer to home for those who live there. 



The first RETREETers arrived in Denver on Wednesday afternoon, the 17th, having made the long haul from Dallas. After settling into the funky Washington Park home we'd reserved on Airbnb, the group devised makeshift costumes to fit the theme of that evening's Denver Cruiser Ride: "Cardboard, Bubble Wrap, and Duct Tape." We hopped on our bikes and joined the vast menagerie of cyclists snaking through the streets, whose number eventually culminated in one of the largest two-wheel gatherings we have ever seen!  



Thursday morning we rode to Golden, where the west begins and where Coors is brewed. The 45 mile jaunt was filled with diverse terrain and scenery. We observed the effects the recent rains had on the local trail system and, after a bit of wandering and a spot of lunch, we rolled back to the homestead and converged with newly-arriving members of our group. That evening, we enjoyed pizza just a stone's throw from our abode.



On Friday, the day before the planting, RETREET staff oversaw the delivery of trees from Fort Collins Wholesale Nursery, a long-term partner whose stock is top notch. We then visited The Home Depot in Boulder, with whom we had filed a successful $2,000 grant application through the The Home Depot Foundation, in order to acquire compost, mulch, and tools needed for the planting. After a quick stop at Whole Foods Market on Pearl to pickup a $250 gift card given by the store to cover the follow day's lunch, RETREET staff reunited with the main group in Boulder, whose tally had grown significantly during the preceding hours as new RETREETers arrived from afar. After dinner, our caravan climbed up the mountain to Balarat Outdoor Education Center, where we stayed for the weekend.



On planting day, RETREETers were welcomed to town by local representatives and treated to a presentation about the flood and its effects on the community. After a proper planting demonstration, given by members of Colorado State Forest Service and RETREET staff, the company broke into small groups and headed into the neighborhood. Six hours later, the majority of trees were planted, and the RETREETers were ready to celebrate. Jamestown Mercantile cooked up a delicious feast, with local brews and music on tap. Quite a few folks danced the night away! The rest went back to camp and made cookies.

Sunday, last few trees were planted and the remaining RETREETers went for a hike up Moorhead Gulch. There, evidence of the flood was clearly visible. We took a break to pan the river and struck gold!



BOULDER RETREET was a very community-based effort. Our team really plugged into the local scene. CLICK HERE to view the photo album and CLICK HERE to see the town's press release regarding the event. Our efforts marked a noticeable transition in the Jamestown's recovery efforts. Check out the letter below, which was sent to us by Nina Andaloro, Jamestown's volunteer and donations coordinator. A heartfelt and special thank you is offered to Virginia Wellington Cabot Foundation, whose $10,000 grant underwrote the event. RETREET is proud of the work we accomplished in Jamestown and we look forward to further plantings this coming winter, soon to be announced!




"The Trees," he said.

As fifty volunteers from all over the US, Canada, and Mexico planted trees on Patrick’s property in Bastrop, TX, he shared the biggest loss he and his wife experienced during the 2011 wildfires that burned over 34,000 acres and nearly 1,700 homes in his community.

"It was heartbreaking. The house could have burned down, not a problem.  Didn’t even care.  It was the trees."

Decades ago, when he bought the property, the lush pine forest was all that stood.  Looking across those green acres, Patrick dreamed about the home he would build when he retired from the service.  His dream became reality right before it turned into a nightmare.

Bastrop, January 2013

Bastrop, January 2013

That was not the first compelling story of the weekend, nor was it the last.  One homeowner ended her list of losses with “…all my clothes, my family photos, and [pause] my two cats,” prompting the most staid member of our group to walk over and embrace her.  At another property, a new blue tarp was flattened on the ground, concealing amorphous protrusions.  They were the cracked and burnt remains of a great-grandmother’s prized china.  A family’s most precious heirloom had reached an ignoble end, and it was more than they could handle.  The tarp would be there indefinitely.

That morning, we planted a 450-pound, 3-inch caliper Orange Island Live Oak in Patrick’s front yard, using nothing more than picks and shovels.  It took five able-bodied reTREEters to roll the tree off of the trailer that had ferried there it from coastal Louisiana.  As Patrick soon discovered, his new tree was the offspring of a massive oak that had survived Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.  The tree farmer who had spent seven years raising it from an acorn now helped plant the substantial green gem among Patrick’s charred pines. A gift from one disaster zone to another, the oak brought tears to Patrick’s eyes.  But sadness was the not the theme of that weekend’s narrative. 

There was fear.  Fear that the community would fall apart, that people would decide to take their insurance money and split.  Some people already had, leaving abandoned properties littered with scorched cars and lonely, freestanding chimneys—an eerie post-apocalyptic moonscape. 

There was anger.  Many described the fire as selective, pointing out a neighbor’s house or grove of trees right across the street that was untouched.  “Why me and not them, what did I do?” some asked.

Even so, the residents of Bastrop we met did not see themselves as victims.  Most of those people had already left.  Rather, they were the ones who were determined to rebuild, the stewards the land would need as partners in restoration.  

They shared their stories because we asked them to; they cried because we listened.

Listening is a powerful tool.  In our increasingly virtual world, we are continually compartmentalized for political and marketing motives.  Too often, we are content listening to only what we want to hear, demonizing those who do not believe what we believe, and spending more time devising ways to avoid working together than actually getting something done.  It seems we have a serious problem hearing each other. 

In that cacophony, being on reTREEt has become a welcome refuge for many.  The pursuit of our mission naturally draws us together.  That which defines you at home does not apply onsite.  We form teams of strangers from all walks of life to complete a task that is highly beneficial to everyone involved.  We get to know the people we are helping.  We step into their world and see their long road to recovery.  Then, we help them down that path.  We are thankful for our own blessings, and fulfilled by the thanks we receive for the work we are doing.  Being on reTREEt is a profoundly invigorating and gratifying experience.  It is unforgettable and addictive.

The first reTREEt in Bastrop was a gripping event that led to the birth of our organization.  The day after our departure, a number of us gathered in a hotel room in San Antonio and decided to commit our various resources not only to recreating the event, but also to expanding our program to include other communities and participants.  Something occurred in Bastrop that none of us had experienced before.  Our project was an unexpected social, financial, and environmental boon to the town, a source of unparalleled mental, physical, and spiritual satisfaction to the volunteers, and an effort that would leave a growing legacy. We had produced a community service adventure unlike any other.

Our concept crystallized around making community service as fun as it is rewarding.   We ride bicycles, we throw parties, and we invite all of the locals for whom we plant to join us in these activities. 

Every reTREEter is advised to bring a bicycle with them on reTREEt, and anyone who needs to borrow one from us is welcome to do so.  We encourage reTREEters to use that bicycle as their main mode of transportation within the community, and we organize fitness and pleasure rides so they can gain experience riding in groups, on streets, and for distances and on terrains with which they may be unfamiliar.  The parties allow reTREEters to relax, get to know each other and the locals better, and celebrate the work they have done and the new skills they have gained.  Most reTREEters head home tired, sore, accomplished, and content.

In the past year, we have taken the show on the road, both out-of-state and out-of-country.  reTREEters have planted 2,868 trees to date on hundreds of home sites in Texas, Missouri, Colorado, New York, and Canada.  Each new place we go teaches us new lessons, and each experience makes reTREEt leaner, meaner, and greener.

Certain underlying trends became clear while working in these diverse communities.  Not surprisingly, most people facing such devastation quickly find out that their trees will take longer to replace than anything else.  New cars and clothes can be purchased, and a new house can be up within a year or two.  Most of that is covered by good insurance.  But the 80-year-old trees in the yard that are now stumps?  Well, those are going to take about 80 years to replace.  In an environment where time and resources are scarce, tree replacement is often low on the priority meter, understandably so.

That being said, psychological benefits of having regular access to trees continues to be measured through scientific study.  One recent NY Times article detailed an experiment in which participants were connected to portable EEGs and asked to walk from a busy commercial district through a city park.  Once in the green space, participants’ stress hormone levels decreased dramatically, and their minds entered a nearly meditative state.  Another article from Japan, where doctors actually prescribe “forest baths” for city dwellers whose cortisol levels are through the roof, was equally fascinating.  Certainly, the aftermath of a natural disaster is a highly stressful environment.  reTREEters plant little stress-relief oases for the locals while taking forest baths.  Being on reTREEt is being on retreat.

The lack of an experienced, coordinated response to rebuilding the urban forest in these communities was surprising.  We always meet locals who have taken up the cause of replacing the trees, and while most of these efforts are extremely noble, selfless, and effective, we have not encountered any other organization operating on a scale that allows it to provide a plan, resources, expertise, and advice when disaster strikes.  reTREEt America aims to be that organization.

On occasion, someone asks “why trees?”  People want to know why they should care, and wonder if we are really making an impact in these communities. 

While any reTREEter can make the case that we are affecting lives far better than I ever could, whenever I am asked that question I remember standing in Patrick’s yard, watching he and his wife tear up as the enormous oak we’d planted was being watered.  He had spent months putting his life back together, but in that moment and during the fire, none of it had mattered.

What did?  Well, that’s simple.  The trees.